Thursday 16 October 2014

Playground Safety - Adult Supervision

Adult supervision can help prevent injuries by making sure kids properly use playground equipment and don't engage in unsafe behavior around it. If an injury does occur, an adult can assist the child and administer any needed first aid right away.

Kids should always have adult supervision on the playground. Young kids (and sometimes older ones) can't always gauge distances properly and aren't capable of foreseeing dangerous situations by themselves. Older kids like to test their limits on the playground, so it's important for an adult to be there to keep them in check.

Before you visit a playground, check to make sure that play areas are designed to allow an adult to clearly see kids while they're playing on all the equipment.


  1. Very important reminder. Let us all as parents be more aware and pay more attention to our children when they are at playgrounds.

  2. Reminds me of the days of running up a slide instead of going down... Kids are adventurous and do dangerous things in the name of fun. Adult supervision is key in letting kids be kids in a safe manner.
